• "Picture tools" The Picture tools are merely for demonstration. Most grafic programs allow more sophisticated functions. But at least the Screen Shot tool could be useful. Programmers could easily add better tools and we would apreciate it to add them to the CopyPaste tools collection. The tool here called Pict to Icon does not create the icons that can be copied and pasted in the Finder but another sort useful to programmers. We hope programmers will create more picture tools for CopyPaste. • Screen Shot B/W - grab a shot of the screen • PICT Invert - invert the pict on the clipboard • PICT>icon - convert the pict on the clipboard to icon size • Gray it out - convert the pict on the clipboard to gray from color • Dither to B/W - convert the pict on the clipboard to black and white • Polygonize - convert the pict on the clipboard to polygons (in testing) • Reduce to Edge - convert the pict on the clipboard to edges, like outlining (in testing)